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Friday, June 6, 2014

Dining Around the World

          We all know that you don’t ask your Italian mother-in-law to change her famous lasagna recipe, or ask a chef in France for some ketchup. While these stereotypes are quite obvious, there are customs and mannerisms around the globe that may seem quite bizarre to Americans.  

          In recent years, there has been a shift for businesses to become more global. As a result, more and more clients and colleagues are likely to be from different countries or regions. It is not uncommon these days to have a meeting or interview with someone with different customs than you. Ignorance or misunderstanding a culture can offend someone and be detrimental to your meeting. Different cultures have different traditions and understandings for what is polite and appropriate. This can be as simple as deciding who picks up the check, eating with a fork, or the speed of which you eat. For example, in India it is impolite to leave any food on your plate after a meal, it is important that you finish your meal completely. However, in China, it is viewed as very rude to finish your entire meal, as it signals to the host that you did not receive enough food. Thus, it is important for us to be aware of dining etiquette around the world. The following image depicts just that. 


The following website provides a more in depth description of dining etiquette around the world. This site breaks down expectations and customs by country, which can be quite helpful if you are traveling abroad or dealing with international clients. 

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