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Friday, June 6, 2014

When Faced With Unusual Circumstances...

Sometimes in a business setting, you are hit with “unusual” circumstances. In this instance we use “unusual” as meaning “unordinary.” When your meeting over meals is a little different than what you expected, here’s what you’ll need to be prepared:


This can be an intimidating time since you are in a situation to be observed closely. But, with a few tips, you will find dining at the boss’s house is a great time to get to know your boss and learn from him or her!

When you arrive to dinner, make sure you are on time. If you are going to be late, call ahead. A good rule of thumb is Lombardy Time, which is about 15 minutes early. This way you can show you are glad to be there while also having a cushion of time in case there’s traffic.

You should appear dressed in a tasteful manner as well as well groomed. Your spouse should also be tasteful, and reminded to be on his or her best and most impressive behavior.

It is customary to bring your hostess a small gift like candy, wine, or something neat like, cute boxes of specialty tea or coffee. Make sure to compliment your host and hostess on “their lovely home,” and pretend you like everything they serve you unless you are allergic.

Over dinner, don’t bring up business unless your boss brings it up. You are primarily there to be observed. Your boss wants to know that you can present yourself well and control yourself in a social, but business related situation. With this in mind, don’t hurry off too fast after dinner. Talk with your boss for a little while; perhaps over coffee. Just make sure you don’t stay too long.

The next day, you should be sure to send a thank you card to your boss and his or her spouse thanking them for a lovely time.


While these occasions tend to be fairly family-friendly, you and your family should still be on your best behavior. Remind them that you are all there to make impressions and have some fun, so acting like civilized folk is extremely important.

When you get to the picnic, you should mingle with everyone there. Also make sure to introduce your family and ask about your co workers’ families.

Remember to relax and have some fun! As long as you don’t overdo yourself, picnics are a great way to get to know your co-workers and build professional relationships


When you go out to dinner for a meeting, and you’re the only woman, it’s sometimes a little tricky to make sure you are appropriate.

As the tradition, Ladies First, you’re usually expected to order first. This can set the pace for the entire evening.  If you order expensively, everyone else will do the same.

Some tips for this are:
  • Talking to your boss before hand to see how much he or she wants to spend
  • Direct the wine list to the host since he or she is paying and should be the one to choose
  • When you’re in doubt, tell the server you haven’t decided yet and will go last. Adjust your decision according to everyone else.


For all meetings over meals, it is important to RSVP, but during cocktails, this is even more appropriate. Sometimes these events can be expensive.

At cocktails parties, there’s obviously a variety of drinks. It is important to keep yourself in check. Just because there is alcohol doesn’t mean this is an entirely social situation. You need to control yourself and behave. The point of these events is to let off some steam and keep everyone in the workplace friendly.

It is important to mingle and meet new people. These events are great for networking! However, make sure to keep it appropriate. One of the biggest mistakes you can make at such a function is flirt. This leaves everyone with a negative connotation.

To these events, one also should mind what they dress. There’s no reason to go all out and wear your nightlife-weekend attire. Keep it business casual or along the lines of the work dress code.

Leave before the party is over. You don’t want to be the last person at the party as this will make your co-workers think you party too hard. Make sure to write your host a thank you note the next day!

Knowing these tips, you should be able to handle “unusual” events when they crop up along your career. Making sure to be friendly, stay appropriate, and act sincerely will help you along your career.

Thanks to Successful Image LLC social strategist Deborah O’Connor’s Article “The Etiquette of Unusual Business Dining Situations” via midlandsbiz website.

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